Ethan was born 12/15/08 @ 6:12 p.m. He is now 7 weeks old and is so much fun. He smiles and is just starting to try and talk. We love being parents and he is such a good baby he makes it pretty easy. He definately takes after his mom in sleeping. He sleeps at least 8 hours almost every night.
deHe is so cute I'm so glad that I was able to run into you a while ago so that I could see him in person! So how is being a new Mom going? It sounds like he is a good sleeper which helps tons. Keep posting pictures so we can keep in touch and I can see how cute he is!
He is such a perfect little boy he is so adorable. I am so glad I was able to hold him and to see you guys on Sunday! I sure do miss you alot, life gets pretty crazy when the little ones come along! I love you so much and I am so excited I can share my birthday with such a handsome little man! Love ya!
I am so happy you did a post. He is so dang cute. I wish I would have been able to see you guys before we left. I was wanting for your phone call so we could tread massages or for when that baby came so we could come see you at the hospital. But I figured you where crazy busy, which I understand. I am so glad everything is going good for you. Sounds like it is, and you are enjoying every minute of it. I have been trying to call you to give you my new phone number. I hope you have received my messages and will call me back soon. It was so good to see what is new with you and see you cute little boy. Love ya and keep in touch.
Yeah! An update. What a cute boy! Makes me that much more excited to have my lill' guy here. I feel so bad I didn't make it to see you at Christmas. What a terrible friend I am. Sorry.
I made my blog private awhile ago and wasn't exactly sure what your email was so you'll have to send me your email address so I can send you an invite to view my blog. My email is hdrichards@gmail.com. Hope to hear from you soon!
Isn't it great when they sleep through the night!! Hunter has been doing that since he was born, we are so blessed. Congrats, he is a cutie!! Isn't it great being a mom. New babies are alot of work but so rewarding.
It was so good to see you at Julia's wedding! Sorry I wasn't much fun to talk to, I had an ear infection in both ears :(! Your little boy is just sooo cute, and you seem to be taking to motherhood wonderfully! I hope that you guys are doing well! And buy the way, we made our blog private so if you want an invite, sen me an email at
Keep the cute pictures coming!
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