Tuesday, December 2, 2008

2 1/2 weeks left

I only have two and a half more weeks until my due date. I can't believe how fast it has gone. We went to the doctor yesterday and he said that I have started to efface but haven't started dilating yet. He also said that if I kept progressing the same I could get induced next week if I wanted to but I would still like to go on my own, but who knows that could change by next week depending on how uncomfortable I get. I also want to say thank you to everyone who came to my baby shower I got a lot of good stuff.


Jim and Britanie Miller said...

Yeah for blogging. Even though you are uncomfortable you look so cute. I'm so excited for Ethan to come. Thanks for making me an aunt!!!! I love ya!

Springer Family said...

I am so excited for you! Hope all goes well with the rest of the pregnancy you make a cute prego woman.

The Richards said...

Jen, you look so cute. Can you believe you will be a mom so soon?!Sorry I couldn't make it to your shower. I am coming for Christmas and would love to see you and meet Ethan. I will call you. I hope everything goes well for you!

Rowbury Family said...

So, I had a smart idea today. "Maybe I should check Britanie's blog to see if Jen has one" and you do!!!!! You seriously are the cutest pregnant woman ever! We are coming to Aberdeen for Christmas and I hope we get to see you and your little boy!!! Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy!

Ashley said...

This is ashley poulson allen! you look so great pregnant! I heard you had your little boy on my birthday! well congrats Every moment is so much fun. well almost every moment:) you looked beautiful at your wedding! :) I hope everything is going great as a new mom!

Philip and Breann Duffin Family said...

I heard you had your baby! Congrats! I hope everything is going well and if you need anything just let me know!!