I only have two and a half more weeks until my due date. I can't believe how fast it has gone. We went to the doctor yesterday and he said that I have started to efface but haven't started dilating yet. He also said that if I kept progressing the same I could get induced next week if I wanted to but I would still like to go on my own, but who knows that could change by next week depending on how uncomfortable I get. I also want to say thank you to everyone who came to my baby shower I got a lot of good stuff.
Yesterday we went to the doctor and got an ultrasound and found out we are having a little boy. It was so cool to be able to see him moving around and stuff. We had a little bit of a hard time trying to see what it was because the umbilical cord was in between his legs but we got him to flip over and were able to tell. We are so excited and I can't wait to start buying stuff for him.
Well out first anniversary was this last weekend on 20th. We went to Salt Lake for the weekend, on saturday we went to Raging Waters with my sister Rachel, my cousins Kylee, Russ, and Mo, and Tyler's cousin Anthony. It was really fun even though I couldn't go on all of the rides because I am pregnant. We spent the night at the Little America Hotel which is where we stayed on our wedding night. On Sunday we went to the Hogle Zoo, we got to see lots of animals including two turtles mating which was pretty funny. It was a really fun weekend!!!
So everyone has been asking me if tyler and I have a blog spot and telling me how much they like theirs so I am finally starting one for us. A little bit about us. Tyler and I were married last july so our 1 year anniversary is coming up on the 20th. It has been such a great year and has gone by so fast. Tyler is working with his dad and grandpa on the farm so we live in Aberdeen. We have a little three bedroom home that we have had to fix up a lot (I'll try to get some pictures of it posted). I am doing massages out of our house right now, I am the cheerleading advisor at the highschool, and preparing for the baby that we are expecting in Dec. We also get to find out what we are having on thursday so we are way excited about that. When were not working we just like to spend time together and with our family.